Assessment of experience, fears, barriers and adherence to insulin injection among the parents of early-diagnosed children with Diabetes

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Muna Barakat
Souheil Hallit
Diana Malaeb
Malik Sallam
Marah Al-Jamal
Sara Feras Abuarab
Sara Ibrahim
Huda M.
Abeer Alassaf


Fear, insulin, injection, Children, Parents, Diabetes, Jordan


Background: Regardless of the indisputable benefits of insulin therapy, initiating insulin for newly diagnosed type-1 children with diabetes might be intimidating for parents. This study assesses the experience, fears, barriers and adherence to insulin use among the parents of early-diagnosed children with diabetes. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was utilized for data collection from 218 participants between February and March 2023 in Jordan. The survey consisted of six sections to evaluate and assess: sociodemographic for both children with diabetes and their parents, the experience of using the insulin, the diabetes fear of self-injecting questionnaire (D-FISQ), the barriers for insulin administration including both sociocultural and other insulinrelated factors, and insulin adherence. Results: More than 80% of the participants perceived a number of sociocultural barriers to insulin administration such as the tendency for addiction, lower efficiency of insulin than oral medication, and preference for complementary medicine over insulin. More than two-thirds of the participants complained of insulin-related barriers such as infections and sudden death in addition to learning the correct injection method. The general fear level was low, 8.56±7.87 (out of 45); however, more fear of insulin injection and self-testing was significantly associated with both sociocultural and insulin-related barriers, especially at the younger age. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that parents have several barriers to insulin administration, mainly related to insulin injection. Therefore, more awareness about insulin therapy can help adjust the cooperation of patients, acceptance of treatment, ending with improving the quality of life and well-being..

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