
Gender, age, and pharmacists’ job satisfaction

Manuel J. Carvajal, Ioana Popovici
Abstract 2503 | pdf Downloads 1084

Page 1396

Original Research

Improving warfarin therapy through implementation of a hospital-based pharmacist managed clinic in Jamaica

Jodi Ann McKenzie, Cameil Wilson-Clarke, Jennifer Prout, Jacqueline Campbell, Rhea Danielle Douglas, Maxine Gossell-Williams
Abstract 1317 | pdf Downloads 658

Page 1214

The effect of pramipexole extended release on the levodopa equivalent daily dose in Lebanese Parkinson diseased patients

Lama Faddoul, Bahia Chahine, Sahar Haydar, Sahar Abourida, Souheil Hallit, Etwal Bou Raad
Abstract 2588 | pdf Downloads 618

Page 1220

Influence of self-efficacy management on adherence to self-care activities and treatment outcome among diabetes mellitus type 2 Sudanese patients

Fathi A. Amer, Malik S. Mohamed, Abubaker I. Elbur, Sulafa I. Abdelaziz, Zeinab A. Elrayah
Abstract 4867 | pdf Downloads 1503

Page 1274

Health promotion of bowel cancer and breast cancer screening in community pharmacies: Pharmacists’ perceptions of their role, knowledge and confidence

Marguerite C. Sendall, Liz Ostermann, Carolyn Brown, Laura McCosker
Abstract 4184 | pdf Downloads 882 online appendix Downloads 151

Page 1275

Evaluation of students’ attitudes towards pharmacist–physician collaboration in Brazil

Fernanda O. Prado, Kérilin S. Rocha, Dyego C. Araújo, Luiza C. Cunha, Tatiane C. Marques, Divaldo P. Lyra, Jr
Abstract 2032 | pdf Downloads 546

Page 1277

A retrospective analysis of prescription medications as it correlates to falls for older adults

Katherine A. Lawson, Celeste M. Vinluan, Aida Oganesyan, Eugenia C. Gonzalez, Amanda Loya, Justin J. Strate
Abstract 4577 | pdf Downloads 720

Page 1283

Evaluation of medication adherence among Lebanese diabetic patients

Lara Mroueh, Dana Ayoub, Maya El-Hajj, Sanaa Awada, Samar Rachidi, Salam Zein, Amal Al-Hajje
Abstract 1784 | pdf Downloads 805

Page 1291

Swedish patients’ trust in the bioequivalence of interchangeable generics. What factors are important for low trust?

Erika Olsson, Karin Svensberg, Helle Wallach-Kildemoes, Emma Carlsson, Caroline Hällkvist, Susanne Kaae, Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong
Abstract 1535 | pdf Downloads 593 online appendix Downloads 143

Page 1298

Frequency of occurrence of medication discrepancies and associated risk factors in cases of acute hospital admission

Charlotte D. van der Luit, Iris R. de Jong, Marieke M. Ebbens, Sjoerd Euser, Sjoerd L. Verweij, Patricia M. van den Bemt, Hanneke M. Luttikhuis, Matthijs L. Becker
Abstract 1226 | pdf Downloads 716

Page 1301

Pharmacists’ immunization experiences, beliefs, and attitudes in New Brunswick, Canada

Jennifer E. Isenor, Kathryn L. Slayter, Donna M. Halperin, Shelly A. McNeil, Susan K. Bowles
Abstract 4653 | pdf Downloads 923

Page 1310

Assessment of diarrhea treatment and counseling in community pharmacies in Baghdad, Iraq: A simulated patient study

Inas R. Ibrahim, Subish Palaian, Mohamed I. Ibrahim
Abstract 3194 | pdf Downloads 792

Page 1313

Development and validation of a scale to measure the quality of patient medication counseling using Rasch model

Van D. Tran, Valeria V. Dorofeeva, Ekaterina E. Loskutova
Abstract 1386 | pdf Downloads 659 online appendix Downloads 166

Page 1327