The Antibiotic prescribing and dispensing behavior among doctors and pharmacists working in UAE. Antibiotic Prescribing

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Ghada Ali Abuhamda
Semira Abdi Beshir
Kishore Kishore Gnana Sam
Syed Wasif Gillani


antimicrobial resistance, doctors, pharmacists, antibiotic prescribing, dispensing


Objectives: This study aims to determine the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of doctors and pharmacists on antibiotic use in a group of Thumbay healthcare facilities in the UAE. Methods: This cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey included a convenience sample of doctors and pharmacists at Thumbay-related hospitals and clinics. The survey was sent online and it has a section on knowledge, attitude, and practice-related to antibiotics and barriers and facilitators of good antibiotic use. Results: This survey included 61 participants (doctors (n=27) and pharmacists (n=34)) with the age ranging between 26 to 60 years (mean age=37). More than half of the respondents were female (55.4%). Most of the participants (89%) agree that of antimicrobial resistance is a global problem. The majority of the participants agreed that antimicrobial stewardship programs can reduce antimicrobial resistance. Similarly, most of the participants feel confident about their knowledge and practice in the area of antimicrobial prescribing (81%), and they always or often (86.8%) use guidelines in their daily practice when prescribing or dispensing antibiotics. Similarly, 82% claimed that a policy that limits the prescribing of selected antibiotics to certain clinical indications via an approval process is introduced in their setting 82%. The top five cited barriers that hinder appropriate prescribing and dispensing of antibiotics include limited knowledge or confidence to discuss rational antibiotics use (72.1%), lack of incentives for appropriate prescribing or dispensing (68.9%), lack of interest by patients to receive counseling (68.9%), time limitations (62.3%) and presence of diagnostic uncertainties (62.3%). Conclusion: The participants have good level of knowledge regarding appropriate antibiotic prescribing and dispensing. However, there is a need for training opportunities to improve antimicrobial stewardship strategies and identified barriers needs to be addressed to improve optimal use of antibiotics

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