A questionnaire based survey among pharmacy practitioners to evaluate the level of knowledge and confidence towards antimicrobial stewardship

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Antimicrobial resistance, Pharmacists, Antimicrobial stewardship, Knowledge, Confidence, Stewards


Objective: Our study aimed to assess the knowledge, understanding and confidence of the practicing pharmacists in UAE as an antimicrobial Stewards. Antimicrobial resistance threatens the achievements of modern medicine globally, and it’s highly required for the AMS principles to be implemented in our communities. Methods: A cross-sectional online- questionnaire based survey was used among UAE pharmacy practitioners from different areas of practice who are holding pharmaceutical degrees and/or licensed pharmacists. The questionnaire was sent to the participants via social media platforms. The questionnaire was validated, and reliability assessment was made prior to the conduct. Results: A total of 117 pharmacists responded to this study, out of which (70.9%, n=83) were females. Pharmacists which are from various practice fields participated in the survey, but the majority were pharmacists in Hospital pharmacies or Clinical pharmacists (47%, n=55), also community pharmacists (35.9%, n=42), while only (16.9%, n=20) ware from other areas of pharmacy including industrial pharmacy and academia. The majority of participants 88.9% (n= 104) were interested in pursuing their career as an Infectious disease pharmacist or getting a certificate in antimicrobial stewardship. The mean scores in the knowledge towards antimicrobial resistance was 3.75 (poor: 1-1.6, moderate: 1.7-3.3, Good: 3.4-5), indicates that the pharmacists have a good level of knowledge towards AMR. A total of 84.3% of participants succeeded in Identifying the correct intervention for antibiotic resistance. The findings also showed that the total mean score of hospital pharmacists (mean=10.6±1.12), and the average of the scores of community pharmacists (mean=9.8±1.38), were non-significant between the different area of practice. 52.3% of the participants had a training on antimicrobial stewardship during their experiential rotation which reflected on their confidence in their performance and knowledge assessment (p value < 0.05). Conclusion: The study concluded good knowledge and high confidence levels among practicing pharmacists in UAE. However, the findings also identify areas of improvement in the practicing pharmacist, and the significant relationship between the knowledge and confidence scores reflects the ability of the practicing pharmacists to integrate the AMS principles within the UAE, which aligns with the attainability of the improvement

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