The Effect of Omega-3 Supplements on The Serum Levels Of ACE/ACE2 Ratio As A Potential Key in Cardiovascular Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Participants with Vitamin D Deficiency

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Sara M. Daboul
Mohammad Abusamak
Beisan A. Mohammad
Ahmad R. Alsayed
Maha Habash
Ibrahim Mosleh
Sami Al-Shakhshir
Reem Issa
Mahmoud Abu-Samak


Omega-3, ACE, ACE2, ACE/ACE2 ratio, Non-HDL, Vitamin D, 25- hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD)


Objective: The aim of this randomized controlled clinical trial was to determine the effect of the omega-3 fatty acid supplementations 300 mg per day for 8 weeks on the serum levels of ACE/ACE2 ratio in Jordanian participants with vitamin D deficiency (VDD). Methods: The physical and clinical characteristic of individuals in both intervention and control randomized controlled clinical trial were measured and analyzed. The comparisons between the two groups and the changes in each group before and after taking omega-3 doses were studied through independent t test and paired t test, respectively. Possible factors that have a role in the changes were determined by multivariate stepwise regression. Follow-up period lasted 10 weeks. Results: The sample consisted of 82 participants with VDD and a mean age of 37.85 ± 9.85 years. Omega-3 Supplements resulted in a significant decrease in serum ACE levels, ACE/ACE2 ratio and serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD). While the change in serum ACE2 levels and serum triglycerides levels were insignificant. Also, a significant increase in serum LDL levels were observed. Conclusion: It is possible that taking high doses of omega-3 fatty acid supplementations have positive effects on the heart and circulatory system and could protect from COVID-19 or decrease disease severity, in connection with a decrease in the ACE/ACE 2 ratio. On the other hand, omega-3 supplement may have negative effect on cardiovascular system due to the significant increase in serum LDL levels.

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