The first study of 3-M Syndrome in Jordan and Literature Review

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Aseel Alkhawaldeh
Ahmad R. Alsayed
Rajaa Daghash
Jumana Albaramiki
Dana Shibli
Sara Abudahab
Nancy Hakooz


3-m syndrome, rare genetic diseases, autosomal recessive disease, genetics, Jordan


The prevalence of 3-M syndrome remains unclear owing to its rarity and the limited number of reported cases in the medical literature. To date, approximately 100 cases of the disorder have been documented in MedlinePlus Genetics. Here, we present the first case study report from Jordan of a boy diagnosed with 3-M syndrome at 9 months of age via karyotyping. The patient exhibited distinct facial features, severe prenatal and postnatal growth retardation, and normal mental development. As rare genetic autosomal recessive mutations are common where consanguineous marriages are prevalent, raising awareness of such rare genetic diseases is critical. This paper aims to provide a case report on 3-M syndrome and a literature review.

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