What drives the intention to dispense ETC medications without prescription across community pharmacists in Can Tho city, Viet Nam? – A theory-based cross-sectional analysis
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Community pharmacy, Dispensing practices, Factor analysis, Theory of Planned Behavior, Vietnam
Objectives: To access determinants of the intent of providing ETC medicines in non-prescription settings in community pharmacists in Can Tho, Vietnam in 2021. Additionally, we aimed to create a new measurement scale of degrees of effect for each factor. Methods: A cross-sectional research was conducted between June and October 2021. A self-administered questionnaire stemmed from the “Theory of Planned Behavior” (TPB), consisting of 24 statements on a 5-point Likert scale was mailed to targeted individuals. Exploratory factor analysis is the major instrument apart from the t-Test and ANOVA statistics. 120 pharmacy personnel working at 120 randomly chosen drugstores in Can Tho. Results: Subjective norms have been found to be the most influential factor, followed by perceived behavior controls, and positive attitudes toward the action of concern. TPB-based model is responsible for approximately 40% of the variance in the willingness to take action. Conclusion: It seems that community pharmacists’ decision toward prescription pharmaceuticals has not been academically attractive. Extra papers are necessary to understand the motives behind the execution of the behavior.
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