Cost effectiveness of cervical cancer prevention strategies in Indonesia

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Yusransyah Yusransyah
Susi Ari Kristina
Dwi Endarti


IVA test, HPV vaccine, cost effectiveness, cervical cancer


Background: The development of several HPV-related control techniques for the prevention of cervical cancer followed the identification of a link between high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the occurrence of cervical cancer. Objective: The objective of the current study was to determine how cost-effective the different cervical cancer screening programs and HPV vaccinations in Indonesia. Methods: The lifetime costs and effects of vaccination among adolescent girls or screening with either the VIA, Papanicolaou, or HPV DNA test at various time intervals in a hypothetical cohort of 30-65 yearsold women were estimated using a Markov model based on a societal perspective. Results: Based on statistics on transition probabilities, efficacy of HPV vaccination, and diagnostic accuracy of screening procedures. The findings of this study, specifically the cost-effectiveness of preventing cervical cancer with vaccination, revealed that each woman’s vaccination cost was $16. The amount of disease-adjusted life years (DALYs) that may be saved was $213, and the averted cost per death was $1.438. Conclusion: Early cervical cancer screening using the IVA test method has a net cost of $576 for years of qualityadjusted life saved and costs $18 each examination for each woman, $1,532 for each preventable death. When the group of teenage girls who received the HPV, vaccine reaches the age of 30, the VIA screening frequency should be decided depending on the cohort’s overall HPV vaccination coverage.

Abstract 942 | PDF Downloads 844


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