Perception and Attitudes toward COVID- 19 Vaccines in Jordan: Lessons for future Pandemics

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Dalal Alnatour
Razan I. Nassar
Yara Salhi
Samar Thiab
Ahmad R Alsayed


COVID-19, Jordan, Vaccine, Attitude, Perception


Objective: This study aimed to assess Jordanians’ perception and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in Jordan. Another objective was to evaluate the population’s confidence in vaccine efficacy, their fears of the vaccines, and their perceptions and attitudes after vaccination. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted over four months (August 2021- December 2021) and included the general Jordanian population above 18 years old. Results: A total of 398 participants were included in the study, with the majority (around 81.0%) received at least one dose of any of COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in Jordan. Most non-vaccinated participants (67.4%) were either unwilling to receive the COVID-19 vaccine or unsure. The main reasons for receiving the vaccine were: family protection, self-protection, global efforts to fight the virus and local restrictions, with some variability between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. The major reasons for fear of COVID-19 vaccines were limited research, vaccine effectiveness, and vaccine side effects. Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was the most trusted vaccine by vaccinated and non-vaccinated participants (47.8% and 57.9%, respectively), and Oxford- AstraZeneca was the most feared by them (42.2% and 57.9%, respectively). Internet websites (>85.0%), social media platforms (>70.0%), relatives and friends (>69.0%), and news applications (>60.0%) were the major sources of information about the COVID-19 vaccines among participants. Conclusion: Our results revealed that hesitation in receiving the vaccine remains a challenge in Jordan, as in other countries. The findings also show that participants, regardless of their vaccination status, had many concerns about the four types of vaccines approved for use in Jordan during the study conduction period. Moreover, the participants’ perceptions and attitudes towards the vaccines were variable between vaccinated and non-vaccinated participants and were variable for the four types of vaccines.

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