An international series on the integration of community pharmacy in primary health care
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Pharmacies, Primary Health Care, Delivery of Health Care, Integrated, Ambulatory Care, Community Health Services, Pharmacists, Community Pharmacy Services
The interrelationship between governmental policies and objectives in primary health care and community pharmacy/pharmacists’ strategic plans are of the outmost importance, having significant professional, economic and practical consequences for the future of the pharmacy profession, research, education and health care. Sharing information of the potential and real impact on current and future practice of community pharmacy/pharmacists, be it in product or service, in primary care would benefit many stakeholders. In order to create and focus professional and scientific debate the journal has commissioned key experts to contribute a series of country case studies. The aim of the series is to promulgate and disseminate country-based information on primary health care and community pharmacy/pharmacist.
2. Binagwaho A, Adhanom Ghebreyesus T. Primary healthcare is cornerstone of universal health coverage. BMJ. 2019;365:l2391.
3. Scottish Government. The NHS Minor Ailment Service at your local pharmacy. Available at: (accessed Mar 10, 2020).
4. International Pharmaceutical Federation. Vision and mission. Available at: (accessed Mar 10, 2020).
5. Pharmacies in Profile. RxImpact 2013;(March):6.
6. Moullin JC, Sabater-Hernández D, Fernandez-Llimos F, Benrimoj SI. Defining professional pharmacy services in community pharmacy. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2013;9(6):989-995.
7. Durham MJ, Goad JA, Neinstein LS, Lou M. A comparison of pharmacist travel-health specialists' versus primary care providers' recommendations for travel-related medications, vaccinations, and patient compliance in a college health setting. J Travel Med. 2011;18(1):20-25.
8. Yuan C, Ding Y, Zhou K, Huang Y, Xi X. Clinical outcomes of community pharmacy services: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Soc Care Community. 2019;27(5):e567-e587.
9. Mossialos E, Courtin E, Naci H, Benrimoj SI, Bouvy M, Farris KB, Noyce P, Sketris I. From "retailers" to health care providers: Transforming the role of community pharmacists in chronic disease management. Health Policy. 2015;119(5):628-39.