A randomized control trial assessing the effect of a pharmaceutical care service on Syrian refugees’ quality of life and anxiety

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Refugees, Quality of Life, Anxiety, Counseling, Pharmacists, Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, Syria, Jordan


Background: Syrian refugees residing in Jordan suffer from chronic illnesses, low quality of life (QoL) and anxiety. Pharmacists delivering the medication review service can have a role in improving this growing worldwide problem. 

Objectives: To assess the effect of the medication review service on QoL and anxiety scores for Syrian refugees living with chronic medical conditions.

Methods: This randomized single-blinded intervention control study was conducted in Jordan. Syrian refugees were recruited and randomized into intervention and control groups. Two home visits were organized with each participant, at baseline and three months later. The medication review service was delivered to the participants and questionnaires regarding QoL and anxiety were completed by all participants. As a part of the medication review service, drug-related problems (DRPs) were identified by a clinical pharmacist for all patients, but recommendations to resolve these DRPs were delivered to intervention group refugees’ physicians only (control group patients did not receive this part of the service till the end of the study); DRPs were corrected and pharmacist-delivered counseling and education were provided as well. At follow-up, DRPs assessment, QoL and anxiety scores were assessed for refugees in the intervention and control groups.

Results: Syrian refugees (n=106) were recruited and randomized into intervention (n=53) and control (n=53) groups with no significant difference between both groups at baseline. The number of medications and diagnosed chronic diseases per participant was 5.8 (SD 2.1) and 2.97 (SD 1.16), respectively. At follow-up, a significant decrease in the number of DRPs for refugees in the intervention group was found (from 600 to 182, p<0.001), but not for the control group (number stayed at 541 DRPs, p=0.116). Although no significant difference between the groups was found with regards to QoL at follow-up (p=0.266), a significant difference was found in the anxiety scores between the groups (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The medication review service delivered by clinical pharmacists can significantly improve refugees’ DRPs and anxiety scores. As for QoL, significant improvements can be seen for all refugee patients, regardless of whether the DRPs identified were resolved or not.

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