Pharmacists’ perception of their role during COVID-19: a qualitative content analysis of posts on Facebook pharmacy groups in Jordan

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Pharmacists, Pharmaceutical Services, Pharmacies, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Coronavirus, Pandemics, Professional Role, Self Concept, Personal Satisfaction, Social Media, Qualitative Research, Jordan


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the content available on Facebook pharmacy groups in Jordan regarding the perception of the pharmacists’ role during the coronavirus pandemic in Jordan.

Methods: Researchers identified Facebook pharmacy groups through the search engine on the Facebook website. The main search keywords were pharmacy, pharmacist, pharmacists, and Jordan using both Arabic and English. Two researchers analyzed the posts and discussion threads on local pharmacy Facebook groups in a period between March 20th and April 3rd. A total of 184 posts and threads were identified for the purpose of the study.

Results: Identified threads and responses resulted in three overarching themes: pharmacists having a positive role during the pandemic, taking additional responsibilities and services, and having passive or negative roles. A positive role was seen in pharmacists acting as first-line healthcare providers, creating public’s awareness regarding COVID-19, and being responsible for chronic medication refill during the pandemic. Taking additional responsibilities was summarized in home deliveries and involvement in industrial and corporate efforts to deal with the pandemic. A passive/negative role was seen mostly among hospital pharmacists not being proactive during the pandemic and by pharmacists trying to maximize profits during pandemic time.

Conclusions: Pharmacists perceived their role as a positive role during the coronavirus pandemic. Not only they took responsibilities for their daily services during the crises, but they took additional responsibilities to assure patient safety and satisfaction.

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