Adherence to oral anti-diabetic drugs among patients attending a Ghanaian teaching hospital

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Suliasnaia P. Bruce
Franklin Acheampong
Irene Kretchy


Medication Adherence, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, Risk Factors, Logistic Models, Ghana


Background: The burden of diabetes mellitus, especially Type-2, continues to increase across the world. Medication adherence is considered an integral component in its management. Poor glycemic controls due to medication nonadherence accelerates the development of long-term complications which consequently leads to increased hospitalization and mortality.

Objective: This study examined the level of adherence to oral antidiabetic drugs among patients who visited the teaching hospital and explored the probable contributory factors to non-adherence.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study using systematic sampling to collect quantitative data was undertaken. Questionnaires were administered to out-patients of the medical department of a teaching hospital in Ghana. Logistic regression was performed with statistical significance determined at p<0.05.

Results: A total of 200 diabetic patients participated in the study. Using the Morisky Medication Adherence scale, the level of adherence determined was 38.5%. There were significant correlations between level of adherence and educational level [(OR)=1.508; (CI 0.805- 2.825), P=0.019), and mode of payment [(OR)=1.631; (CI 0.997- 2.669), P=0.05).

Conclusion: Adherence in diabetic patients was low among respondents and this can be improved through education, counseling and reinforcement of self-care. There were several possible factors that contributed to the low adherence rate which could benefit from further studies.

Abstract 3206 | PDF Downloads 1449


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