Guidelines, statements, positions and reports

The 2011 PHARMINE report on pharmacy and pharmacy education in the European Union

Jeffrey Atkinson, Bart Rombaut
Abstract 1132 | PDF Downloads 849

Page 169-187

Quality assurance in European pharmacy education and training

Jose A. Guimarães Morais, Afonso M. Cavaco, Bart Rombaut, Michael J. Rouse, Jeffrey Atkinson
Abstract 927 | PDF Downloads 808

Page 195-199

Original Research

Prescription of psychoactive drugs in patients attended by the SUS at Manhuaçu - MG (Brazil)

Daniel P. Gonçalves, Ian V. Silva, Letícia B. Rangel, Lucas C. Rezende
Abstract 3753 | PDF Downloads 772

Page 200-206

What do children with cancer know about their medications?

Tamara MacDonald, Derek MacDonald, Bruce Crooks, Cherie Collicott
Abstract 2058 | PDF Downloads 800

Page 207-212

Health literacy in the pharmacy setting: defining pharmacotherapy literacy.

Sean R. King, David J. McCaffrey III, Alicia S. Bouldin
Abstract 1177 | PDF Downloads 628

Page 213-220

Assessment of a pharmacist-driven point-of-care spirometry clinic within a primary care physicians office

Michael J. Cawley, Richard Pacitti, William Warning
Abstract 3738 | PDF Downloads 708

Page 221-227

Health professionals' knowledge, attitude and practices towards pharmacovigilance in Nepal

Subish Palaian, Mohamed I. Ibrahim, Pranaya Mishra
Abstract 3193 | PDF Downloads 813

Page 228-235

Alcohol attitudes and behaviors among faculty at U.S. schools and colleges of pharmacy

Lauren S. Schlesselman, Carmen Nobre, Clayton D. English
Abstract 959 | PDF Downloads 707

Page 236-241