Original Research

Evaluation of STAT medication ordering process in a community hospital

Hani Abdelaziz, Sandra Richardson, Kim Walsh, Jessica Nodzon, Barbara Schwartz
Abstract 5199 | PDF Downloads 1430

Page 647

Immunosuppressive serum levels in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: pharmaceutical care contribution

Paulo M. Corrêa, Joice Zuckermann, Gustavo B. Fischer, Mauro S. Castro
Abstract 2185 | PDF Downloads 1175

Page 683

Redesigning pictographs for patients with low health literacy and establishing preliminary steps for delivery via smart phones

Seth E. Wolpin, Juliet K. Nguyen, Jason J. Parks, Annie Y. Lam, Donald E. Morisky, Lara Fernando, Adeline Chu, Donna L. Berry
Abstract 5399 | PDF Downloads 1519 online appendix Downloads 814

Page 686

Improving pediatric liquid medication labeling of the hospital information system in Malaysia: qualitative analysis of pharmacists’ perceptions

Huan-Keat Chan, Mohamed A. Hassali, Ching J. Lim, Fahad Saleem, Norazila A. Ghani
Abstract 3892 | PDF Downloads 1148

Page 699

Patients’ views on electronic patient information leaflets

Tora Hammar, Anna-Lena Nilsson, Bo Hovstadius
Abstract 5191 | PDF Downloads 2163 online appendix Downloads 765

Page 702

Assessment and management of serotonin syndrome in a simulated patient study of Australian community pharmacies

Brett MacFarlane, Jenny Bergin, Gregory M. Peterson
Abstract 4760 | PDF Downloads 1351

Page 703

Old age, high risk medication, polypharmacy: a trilogy of risks in older patients with atrial fibrillation

Yishen Wang, Shamsher Singh, Beata Bajorek
Abstract 3769 | PDF Downloads 1474

Page 706

Consumer access to clozapine in Australia: how does this compare to New Zealand and the United Kingdom?

Sally-Anne Knowles, Sara S. McMillan, Amanda J. Wheeler
Abstract 4470 | PDF Downloads 1277

Page 722

Implementation and evaluation of a pharmacist-led hypertension management service in primary care: outcomes and methodological challenges

Beata Bajorek, Kate LeMay, Parker J. Magin, Christopher Roberts, Ines Krass, Carol L. Armour
Abstract 3949 | PDF Downloads 1721

Page 723

A qualitative study exploring medicines use pattern and practice among general public in Malaysia

Omar T. Dawood, Mohamed A. Hassali, Fahad Saleem
Abstract 3380 | PDF Downloads 1327

Page 740