
Adherence to treatment: what is done in Sweden? Practice, education and research

Björn Södergård
Abstract 4819 | PDF Downloads 925

Page 171-177

Original Research

Knowledge and sources of information about medicines among adolescents in Malta

Rita Darmanin Ellul, Maria Cordina, Anton Buhagiar, Anthony Fenech, Janet Mifsud
Abstract 1195 | PDF Downloads 710

Page 178-186

The PharmWatch programme: challenges to engaging the community pharmacists in Jamaica

Maxine Gossell-Williams, Sarafadeen A. Adebayo
Abstract 971 | PDF Downloads 778

Page 187-190

Ability of medical students to calculate drug doses in children after their paediatric attachment

Kazeem A. Oshikoya, Idowu O. Senbanjo, Ayo Soipe
Abstract 1271 | PDF Downloads 904

Page 191-196

The impact of ethnicity and gender on agreement of severe allergy history between inpatient and outpatient electronic medical records

Kurt Reinhart, Teresa Corbo, Edward Ewen, C. Michael White
Abstract 1168 | PDF Downloads 600

Page 197-200

Health promotion at Swedish pharmacies – views of the staff

Ingeborg Bjorkman, Nina Viberg, Linda Rydberg, Cecilia Stalsby Lundborg
Abstract 1215 | PDF Downloads 849

Page 211-218

Evaluating the impact of a pre-rotation workshop on student preparation for clinical advanced pharmacy practice experiences

Melissa S. Medina, Jennifer E. Stark, Kimi S. Vesta, Staci M. Lockhart
Abstract 1736 | PDF Downloads 771

Page 219-223