Correlation of Plasma and Salivary Osteocalcin Levels with Nascent Metabolic Syndrome Components with and Without Pre/Diabetes Biochemical Parameters

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Violet N. Kasabri
Lana Halaseh
Maysa Suyagh


adipolin, cathepsin, FGF1 (Fibroblast growth factor 1), ghrelin, irisin, klotho, LBP (lipopolysaccharide binding protein), Leptin, Osteocalcin, adiposity and atherogenicity indices, cardiometabolic risk, nascent metabolic syndrome and prediabetes


Objectives: This study aimed to compare and correlate plasma and salivary levels of cardiometabolic risk biomarkers’ of pharmacotherapy (appraised using colorimetric assays), adiposity, and atherogenicity indices. Methods: 61 Nascent MetS subjects vs. 30 lean normoglycemic and healthy controls were recruited in Family Medicine outpatient clinics/Jordan University Hospital (a referral medical center). Fasting blood and saliva specimens were collected. Clinical and anthropometric variables were determined along with atherogenecity and adiposity indices. Results: Among nascent MetS (metabolic syndrome) recruits, almost half were normoglycemic, 43% were prediabetic and 8% were diabetic. Pronouncedly Glycemic (FPG and Alc) and lipid parameters (TG, HDL-C and non-HDL-C), adiposity indices (BMI, WHR, WtHR, Conicity-index, BAI, LAP, VAI) and atherogenicity indices (AIP, TC/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C, non-HDL-C/HDL-C and TG/HDL-C) were higher in the nascent MetS group (P<0.05 vs. controls). Markedly among the plasma cardiometabolic risk biomarkers (P<0.05 vs. controls) in the nascent MetS group, adipolin, cathepsin S, ghrelin, irisin, LBP, leptin, and osteocalcin were higher but plasma FGF1 levels were oddly lower. Significantly (P<0.05 vs. controls) nascent MetS –linked salivary levels of adipolin and LBP were higher as opposed to the lower cathepsin S. Only osteocalcin, amongst 9 metabolic risk biomarkers studied, had remarkably significant correlation between plasma and saliva levels, in both total sample and MetS patients (P<0.05). Markedly in the nascent MetS only group, both plasma and salivary osteocalcin correlated with FPG and A1c (P<0.05); salivary osteocalcin correlated with BMI and LAP (P<0.05). Likewise, in the total sample plasma osteocalcin correlated significantly with BMI, BAI, WHt R, SBP, DBP, TG, LAP, VAI, TG/HDL-C and AIP (P<0.05), while salivary osteocalcin had substantial correlations only with FPG and A1c (P<0.05). Conclusion: Association of nascent MetS-related plasma and salivary osteocalcin levels and clinical characteristics and indices propagate salivary osteocalcin as a non-invasive marker for clinical control of MetS-/preDM.

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