Supporting and inhibiting factors of accepting COVID-19 booster vaccination in the elderly in north Jakarta, Indonesia

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Aged, COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Shot, Indonesia, Perception, Qualitative Research


Background: The risk of fatal infection and death from Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) exposure increases in the elderly and those with coexisting illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, and hypertension. The COVID-19 vaccine’s efficacy and safety have been supported by numerous research. However, data from the Ministry of Health of Indonesia revealed that the elderly in North Jakarta had a reclining interest in receiving a booster dose. This research aimed to assess the perception of the elderly living in North Jakarta related to supporting and inhibiting factors in accepting the COVID-19 booster vaccination. Methods: This qualitative research used a grounded theory design. It was conducted from March to May 2022, and data were gathered in North Jakarta’s numerous districts through in-depth interviews until saturation was reached. Furthermore, data were validated using member checking, source triangulation to families of elderly, and vaccination doctors. They were processed to produce transcripts, codes, and finalized themes. Results: Booster vaccination in the elderly was supported by 12 out of 15 informants, and the rest did not agree. The supporting factors include health, family, peer support, doctors, government, administrative requirements, endemic transformation, booster choice, and media coverage. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors include hoaxes, concerns over the vaccine’s safety and efficacy, political issues, family, and comorbidities. Conclusions: Most of the elderly displayed positive attitudes concerning booster shots, but it was discovered that some barriers need to be removed.

Abstract 3359 | PDF Downloads 742