Knowledge and attitude regarding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among hospital pharmacists in Qatar

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Lama Madi
Doua Alsaad
Raja Al Khawaja
Wessam El Kassem
Moza Al Hail


Hospital pharmacists, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Knowledge, Attitude, Treatment


Background: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) gained global attention because of its high transmissibility and the devastating impact on both clinical and economic outcomes. Pharmacists are among the front-line healthcare workers who contributed widely to COVID-19 pandemic control. We aim to evaluate knowledge and attitude of hospital pharmacists in Qatar about COVID-19. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional web-based survey was distributed over a 2-months period. The study included pharmacists who are working in 10 different hospitals under Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC). The survey was developed based on information available at World Health Organization (WHO) website, Qatar Ministry of Health, and COVID-19 guideline created by HMC. The study was approved by HMC’s institutional review board (MRC-01-20-1009). Data analysis was done using SPSS version 22. Results: A total of 187 pharmacists were included (response rate 33%). The overall level of knowledge was not affected by the participants’ demographics (p-value ≥0.05). Pharmacists provided more correct answers to questions related to general knowledge about COVID-19 compared to questions specificto treatment aspects of the disease. More than 50% of pharmacists were using national resources as main source of information related to COVID-19. Good health practices and attitudes regarding disease control was reported by pharmacists, including preventive measures implementation and self-isolation when needed. Around 80% of pharmacists are in favor of taking influenza vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine. Conclusion: Overall, hospital pharmacists’ knowledge about COVID-19 is good in relation to the disease nature and transmission. Knowledge about treatment aspects including medications needs further enhancement. Providing continuing professional development activities regarding latest information about COVID-19 and its management, and serial newsletters updates, and encouraging journal club activities for recently published research can help improve hospital pharmacist knowledge.

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