Factors associated with quality of life among community pharmacists in Lebanon: results of a cross-sectional study

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Quality of Life, Burnout, Professional, Fatigue, Depression, Pharmacies, Pharmacists, Risk Factors, Multivariate Analysis, Surveys and Questionnaires, Lebanon


Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the quality of life and the factors associated with it among community pharmacists in Lebanon.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out between March and July 2018, enrolling 435 pharmacists, using a proportionate random sample of community pharmacies from all districts of Lebanon. The validated Arabic translation of the Short-Form 12 (SF12v2) was used to derive 2 summary scores: physical and mental component summaries (PCS and MCS).

Results: Lebanese community pharmacists scored a mean PCS-12 and MCS-12 of 48.9 (SD 7.1) and 48.8 (SD 8.5), respectively. Higher age (Beta= -0.08), having a PhD degree (Beta= -4.54), higher depression score (Beta= -0.25), higher emotional work fatigue (Beta= -0.13) and higher physical work fatigue (Beta=-0.14) were significantly associated with lower physical QoL (lower PCS-12 scores).

Increased stress (Beta= -0.17), higher insomnia (Beta= -0.21), higher depression (Beta= -0.2) and working for over 40 hours per week (Beta= -0.2) were significantly associated with lower mental QoL (lower mental MCS-12 scores).

Conclusions: Our research has found a strong correlation between quality of life and psychological factors, including stress, burnout, insomnia, and depression among community pharmacists.

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